Start to add a new JDBC Connection Pools.
* Goto Resources-> JDBC -> JDBC Connection Pools
* Click New…
* Enter a pool name (identyfy the pool, free text)
* Choose java.sql.Driver
* Click Next
* Enter com.mysql.jdbc.Driver in Driver Classname
* Add additional properties:
Name | Value |
URL | jdbc:mysql://localhost:3306/<databaseName>?zeroDateTimeBehavior=convertToNull |
user | <username> |
password | <password> |
* Click on finish
Create a new JDBC Resource
* Goto Resources-> JDBC -> JDBC Resources
* Click New…
* Enter jdbc/ as JNDI Name
* Choose the Pool the you created above as Pool Name
* Click OK
Download mysql-connector-java-.jar to the glassfish4/glassfish/lib mapp (
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