Category: Ubuntu
Ubuntu 18.04 root DNS update
Såg detta i min log fil checkhints: ( missing from hints Jag åtgärda det genom följande kommando sudo wget –user=ftp –password=ftp -O /etc/bind/db.root
Tvinga en diskcheck vid nästa start av Linux
touch /forcefsck Detta är veriferat på Unbuntu 14.x och 16.x
Control screen from CLI (crontab)
#!/bin/bash export DISPLAY=:0.0 if [ $# -eq 0 ]; then echo usage: $(basename $0) “on|off|status” exit 1 fi if [ $1 = “off” ]; then echo -en “Turning monitor off…” xset dpms force off echo -en “done.\nCheck:” xset -q|grep “Monitor is” elif [ $1 = “on” ]; then echo -en “Turning monitor on…” xset dpms…
Ubuntu autostart Glassfish
You need to set JAVA_HOME and add JAVA_HOME/bin to PATH asadmin create-service
Autologin in Ubuntu
In file /etc/lightdm/lightdm.conf add following in section [SeatDefaults]: autologin-user-timeout=0 autologin-user=
Disable update-notifier in Ubuntu
Prevent update-notifier from starting at login for all users The above method works only on the user that is currently logged in. This is useful if you have a one-user workstation. But if you want to make a system-wide change, run: sudo sed -i ‘s/X-GNOME-Autostart-Delay=60/X-GNOME-Autostart-enabled=false/’ /etc/xdg/autostart/update-notifier.desktop